This introductory course uses Flash - the most popular tool for recreation animators.

Students will be taught the basic principles of computer animation so their cartoon will look and feel realistic, such as the principles of squash and stretch, anticipation, as well as timing and spacing.

Tutorials on how to use the various tools of Flash will be covered in-depth, coupled with many hands-on projects for practice.

The final project will be a full-story cartoon with sound!

Age: 9 - 14

Topics Details
Introduction to animation and flash Basic concept of animation. Introduction to the interface and various tools of Adobe Flash.
Frames & classic tweening Create moving text, work with the timeline. Introduction to symbols.
Bouncing ball animation Basic animation principles of squash and stretch and spacing to make the ball bounce realistic.
Layers and stick man animation Concept of layers and use it to create a background for a character. Introduction to the animation principle of anticipation.
Cut-out animation Animate using puppets.
Music Import music into their animation.
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